Mysore Dasara - Kushti

On a bright sunny afternoon, the spectators wait eagerly to watch the wrestling pairs walk into the mud arena to showcase their skills and techniques to defeat the opponent and come out as the winner. 

The Open air stadium packed with avid enthusiasts loudly cheer the wrestlers, while the latter rub the dry mud on their body before the match starts. 

The red mud is not only considered sacred by the wrestlers, but since it is mixed with turmeric and camphor, it also helps to cool the body and heal the muscles and any wounds. In this style of kushti, the entire body is used. 

Since there are no fixed rules, the referee has to stay very close and keep an alert eye on every action. Though the rule of winning might seem simple – make the opponent’s back touch the ground – it is actually far from being simple. 

The dexterity and experience of avoiding and averting situations where the back might touch ground come from rigorous practice and flexibility of body. Instances when one’s back is almost touching ground and yet the agility and fitness how it can be reversed is often a feast for the eyes, making it an art indeed.


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